Can someone tell me how to match the preview toolbar I am seeing in the landmarks tutorial?

Hey guys,

So I am just starting out and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to match the preview I am seeing in the apple Landmarks swiftUI tutorial as seen above the phone here:

and again when looking at these 2 rows:

My live preview settings seem to be at the bottom, and look different from the tutorial:

As you can see as well, in my layout I need to click between the 2 views while the tutorial layout shows both at the same time. I have searched all over and can't seem to figure out why they are different. If someone could just let me know I would appreciate it!


This was a UI change made in Xcode 14. Previews in Xcode are now live by default, and one preview at time allows you seamlessly move between previews while keeping them fully interactive.

Great, thank you for the reply!