Compiler error messages disappearing

You know how XCode shows your compile errors in real time with the red ribbons to the right of the code? Now they are not there. Or they might appear occasionally after a deliberate build, but then they disappear after a few seconds, or after I click on anything. I can't write code like this. Yes, I have restarted. Didn't help. Is there some new configuration I have to set?

Answered by Hackito Ergo Sum in 756356022

XCode 14.3.1. Everything is up to date. Oddly, disabling Settings->General->Show Live Issues brings back the error messages. Re-enabling them makes them go away again. Weird, but thanks.

Which version of Xcode ?

Do you see the errors in the issues navigator ?

I cannot reproduce your issue, so a bit hard to say.

have a look here:

And try to disable in Xcode preferences > General > show inline issues, as explained here:

Then re enable it.

You should also delete derived data.

Hope that helps.

I have the same issue... It's really annoying. Every time you have to go to Report Navigator - there are the being shown. Issues navigator is empty, lol.

I guess it may be somehow related to project content because when I try compiling another project, Xcode shows errors.

Xcode Version 14.3.1 (14E300c) Apple Swift version 5.8.1 (swiftlang- clang-1403. Target: arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0

Accepted Answer

XCode 14.3.1. Everything is up to date. Oddly, disabling Settings->General->Show Live Issues brings back the error messages. Re-enabling them makes them go away again. Weird, but thanks.

Compiler error messages disappearing