Run UI tests on multiple devices in succession?

The new test report, with the automatic video recording and scrubber, is great. I'm setting up different configurations for different languages to improve localization testing, but I was wondering if it was possible to make the simulator device type part of the configuration.

For example, I'd like to have a single test plan with an "iPhone 14" test plan, an "iPad Air" test plan, etc. Then I would just press Cmd-U, and Xcode would run through each device in sequence, leaving me with videos of each test run that I could review in the test report.

Is that possible?

You can use Xcode Cloud to configure which devices run for your test. Your "Test" action in Xcode Cloud has a "Destinations" section which determines which devices/simulators your test will run on.

This is not available in your Test Plan configuration for now.

It should be possible without Xcode Cloud, too. See this WWDC 2023 Video at 2:59 where it state: "With Xcode Cloud and xcodebuild command, your tests can have multiple run destinations."

Run UI tests on multiple devices in succession?