Xcode 15 beta doesn't show my phone

I installed Xcode 15 without downloading iOS 17 simulator. When I opened my iOS app project in it, Xcode showed "iOS 17.0 not installed". This is as expected. My question, however, is that after I connected my phone, it's shown in "Manage run destination", but not in Xcode deployment target selection list. Does anyone know if this is as expected? Do I have to install iOS 17 simulator to get my device shown in Xcode? Thanks.

I had to download the iOS simulator before I was able to use a physical device. Surely that must be a bug, otherwise its crazy insane behavior for physical hardware to have a dependency on the simulator before its useable.

Thank @mungbeans for the information. I did the same and now my phone shows in Xcode.

lol... you need to buy a scooter, before you buy a car.... you need to install a simulator, before you run on a device.

Still the case in 15.1. I must have started and stopped the ~8 GB download about 10 times before finding this post. I never install the simulators.

same issue. Xcode 15.2, iPhone X, simulators for iOS 17.2 have been already downloaded

Same issue here, help please!

I and my team have been facing same kinda issue for 10 days. We have updated to latest OS, XCode and iOS i.e. Mac OS Sonama 14.4, XCode 15.3 and iOS 17.4.

Issue is that XCode is not able to show connected iPhone(iOS 17.4) in the connected physical device list. We have tried almost all solutions online like disabling VPN, latest versions, clearing derived data etc but no success.

Please help !!

Xcode 15 beta doesn't show my phone