XCode 14.3.x and XCode 15 Beta Hangs On Compiling

We have a 7-year old codebase that uses a mix of frameworks including Rx and Firebase through Cocoapods. The compilation works fine up to XCode 14.2 but for some unknown reason the compilation just stuck / hang on XCode 14.3.x and XCode 15. There are several warnings in the codebase but the compiler does not output any error. Which is why we don't know what the exact issue(s) is/are.

What's the change in XCode 14.3.x that could be causing this issue? If anyone has an idea on possible fix, willing to try it out.

We are facing the same situation after upgrading to Xcode 15. Our swift project runs on 14.3.1 but after update to Xcode 15 build process hangs on near the end. Did you find a solution?

Yesterday i got an Xcode update and now i am facing the same issue! is there a fix?

XCode 14.3.x and XCode 15 Beta Hangs On Compiling