Why does Xcode 15 Beta not have a 17.0 folder in DeviceSupport?

The Xcode 15 beta does not have a 17.* folder within Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport.

How therefore does it build/install/run on a a phone with iOS 17 installed? Is there a different mechanism for device support used from 17 onwards than has historically been the case?

I want to build/run using Xcode 14.n with an iOS 17 phone, but without being able to locate the iOS 17 support file am unable to do so.

Where is the iOS 17 device support files with Xcode 15? How can I build using Xcode 14 for iOS 17 if its not present in Xcode15 (in order to drag and drop it into Xcode 14)

Why does Xcode 15 Beta not have a 17.0 folder in DeviceSupport?