keychain query does not match against certificate's Subject Alternative Name ( )

we have valid, not expired, trusted wildcard certificate in keychain with both Subject Alternative Names ( ): DNS Name * DNS Name

our query does not match against, it matches only against *

let exactHostname = ""
let keychainQuery = [
  kSecClass    : kSecClassCertificate,
  //kSecAttrLabel: exactHostname,//keychain label name, should not be used to query hostname
  //kSecAttrSubject: exactHostname, //also does not work
  kSecMatchSubjectWholeString: exactHostname,
  kSecMatchValidOnDate: kCFNull!,//date, kCFNull - current date
  kSecReturnRef: true] as NSDictionary

var item    : CFTypeRef?
var identity: SecIdentity?

let status = SecItemCopyMatching(keychainQuery as CFDictionary, &item)
XCTAssert(status == errSecSuccess, "Failed to get certificate: \(status)")

how to query against Subject Alternative Name DNS name ?

Answered by ElenaS in 755871022

should've used kSecAttrServer Sorry, I was wrong with conclusion, @Eskimo, @meaton please help

Accepted Answer

should've used kSecAttrServer Sorry, I was wrong with conclusion, @Eskimo, @meaton please help

how to query against Subject Alternative Name DNS name ?

There isn’t a key for that. You’ll have to get all the certificates and do your own matching.

And, annoyingly, there isn’t an API get the contents of the Subject Alternative Name from a certificate. If you really need to do this, you’d have to parse the certificate’s data yourself.

Can you explain more about how you got yourself into this situation? What you’re looking to do is kinda strange, so I’d like to get some of the backstory to see if there isn’t an easier approach.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

keychain query does not match against certificate's Subject Alternative Name ( )