Game Porting Toolkit - Browser and uninstall programs

First: Do you know any way to install a browser? I tried with Chrome, Edge and OperaGX. One of the games requires logging in via discord and the authorization page starts for me in a browser on a mac (probably it will also be required to set it as default to open page).

Second question: How can I uninstall programs?

We don't have any guidance on how to install browsers, but uninstalling programs in Wine/Windows can be done by using wine64 to launch the uninstaller.exe program. WINEPREFIX=~/my-game-prefix $(brew --prefix gameportingtoolkit)/bin/wine64 uninstaller.exe

Ok I found solution, after install Firefox:

WINEPREFIX=~/my-game-prefix brew --prefix game-porting-toolkit/bin/wine64 reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command" /ve /d ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" %1" /f


WINEPREFIX=~/my-game-prefix brew --prefix game-porting-toolkit/bin/wine64 reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\https\shell\open\command" /ve /d ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" %1" /f

Game Porting Toolkit - Browser and uninstall programs