Hello! Hope you had an amazing Dub Dub week.
I am currently integrating widgets into my weather app. The widgets use WeatherKit to get the hourly forecast. I have issues formatting or displaying dates for the locations. When I display the date for 2 or more locations with different timezones, the hours displayed are local for the phone, not the location I'm grabbing the weather for.
This is how I display the date. hour is the Forecast<HourlyWeather> item from WeatherKit.
Text(hour.date.formatted(date: .omitted, time: .shortened))
Neither of the locations' time is 9:00. They are in different time zones with 10 hours difference, one should be different from the other.
Get the time zone of the location and use that:
import Foundation
let sanFrancisco = TimeZone(identifier: "PST")
let time = Date.now
let timeFormatter = DateFormatter()
timeFormatter.dateStyle = .none
timeFormatter.timeStyle = .short
timeFormatter.timeZone = sanFrancisco
timeFormatter.locale = .current
let timeStr = timeFormatter.string(from: time)
// For me, prints 2.08, local time was 12.08.
And, if starting from a coordinate, rather than a timezone identifier:
import Foundation
import CoreLocation
let sanFrancisco = CLLocation(latitude: 37.77493, longitude: -122.41942)
let geoCoder = CLGeocoder()
do {
let placemarks = try await geoCoder.reverseGeocodeLocation(sanFrancisco)
if !placemarks.isEmpty {
if let placemark = placemarks.first {
let time = Date.now
let timeFormatter = DateFormatter()
timeFormatter.dateStyle = .none
timeFormatter.timeStyle = .short
timeFormatter.timeZone = placemark.timeZone
timeFormatter.locale = .current
let timeStr = timeFormatter.string(from: time)
} else {
print("No placemark for the coordinate")
} catch {
print("Failed to geolocate coordinate: \(error.localizedDescription)")