WeatherKit or SwiftUI date formatting issues

Hello! Hope you had an amazing Dub Dub week.

I am currently integrating widgets into my weather app. The widgets use WeatherKit to get the hourly forecast. I have issues formatting or displaying dates for the locations. When I display the date for 2 or more locations with different timezones, the hours displayed are local for the phone, not the location I'm grabbing the weather for.

This is how I display the date. hour is the Forecast<HourlyWeather> item from WeatherKit.

Text( .omitted, time: .shortened))


Neither of the locations' time is 9:00. They are in different time zones with 10 hours difference, one should be different from the other.

Answered by AndyJJ in 755524022

Get the time zone of the location and use that:

import Foundation

let sanFrancisco = TimeZone(identifier: "PST")
let time =

let timeFormatter = DateFormatter()
timeFormatter.dateStyle = .none
timeFormatter.timeStyle = .short
timeFormatter.timeZone = sanFrancisco
timeFormatter.locale = .current

let timeStr = timeFormatter.string(from: time)
// For me, prints 2.08, local time was 12.08.

And, if starting from a coordinate, rather than a timezone identifier:

import Foundation
import CoreLocation

let sanFrancisco = CLLocation(latitude: 37.77493, longitude:  -122.41942)
let geoCoder = CLGeocoder()

do {
	let placemarks = try await geoCoder.reverseGeocodeLocation(sanFrancisco)

	if !placemarks.isEmpty {
		if let placemark = placemarks.first {

			let time =
			let timeFormatter = DateFormatter()

			timeFormatter.dateStyle = .none
			timeFormatter.timeStyle = .short
			timeFormatter.timeZone = placemark.timeZone
			timeFormatter.locale = .current

			let timeStr = timeFormatter.string(from: time)
		} else {
			print("No placemark for the coordinate")
} catch {
	print("Failed to geolocate coordinate: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Accepted Answer

Get the time zone of the location and use that:

import Foundation

let sanFrancisco = TimeZone(identifier: "PST")
let time =

let timeFormatter = DateFormatter()
timeFormatter.dateStyle = .none
timeFormatter.timeStyle = .short
timeFormatter.timeZone = sanFrancisco
timeFormatter.locale = .current

let timeStr = timeFormatter.string(from: time)
// For me, prints 2.08, local time was 12.08.

And, if starting from a coordinate, rather than a timezone identifier:

import Foundation
import CoreLocation

let sanFrancisco = CLLocation(latitude: 37.77493, longitude:  -122.41942)
let geoCoder = CLGeocoder()

do {
	let placemarks = try await geoCoder.reverseGeocodeLocation(sanFrancisco)

	if !placemarks.isEmpty {
		if let placemark = placemarks.first {

			let time =
			let timeFormatter = DateFormatter()

			timeFormatter.dateStyle = .none
			timeFormatter.timeStyle = .short
			timeFormatter.timeZone = placemark.timeZone
			timeFormatter.locale = .current

			let timeStr = timeFormatter.string(from: time)
		} else {
			print("No placemark for the coordinate")
} catch {
	print("Failed to geolocate coordinate: \(error.localizedDescription)")
WeatherKit or SwiftUI date formatting issues