Swift Macro: Missing package product 'MyMacroApple'

In Xcode 15.0.0 I have created a package using a template Swift Macro. I have named it 'MyMacroApple'. The template comes with #stringify macro so I have created an new app and named it 'MyMacroApp' then copy pasted the code from 'MyMacroApple' main.swift file

import MyMacroApple

let a = 17
let b = 25

let (result, code) = #stringify(a + b)

then I have added Local package dependency to the app project and selected package product 'MyMacroApple' of Library kind to my 'pocMyApp' target.

When I run the project I get the error: "No such module 'MyMacroApple'"

Facing the same issue. Could be a XCode bug.

Facing the same issue, it might be a bug. I can execute the command successfully when specifying "Mac" as the target, but encounter issues when attempting to do the same with iOS.

Facing the same issue, it might be a bug. I can execute the command successfully when specifying "Mac" as the target, but encounter issues when attempting to do the same with iOS. EDIT: I tried to import the Macro as package in an empty project. It seems to work with iOS only in this way

I have two ideas that would fix the problem:

  • do not work with the app project and Swift macro package at the same time. Only one of them can be opened.
  • go to the issues navigator and find the issue that relates to 'Trust & Enable' the macro package.

Is one of them working for you?

In my experience, I solved the issue by taking the following steps:

  1. Closing the Macro Project.
  2. Resetting package caches: File -> Packages -> Reset Package Caches. Xcode will then automatically reinstall all the packages.

Facing the same issue On Xcode 15/15.2-beta, https://github.com/capturecontext/swift-cocoa-extensions compiles in isolation, but not when it's imported as a dependency (both remote or local) to another package...

I tried compiling for macOS and force disabled macro validation with

defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode IDESkipMacroFingerprintValidation -bool YES

but nothing helps...

Swift Macro: Missing package product 'MyMacroApple'