Multiple ImageAnalysisInteractions

Hello there! Really excited about this year's additions to ImageAnalysisInteraction, especially the selectedText. Thank you!

My question is if there's a way to have multiple interactions for a given image analysis. For example, instead of being able to make just one text selection, I would like to support multiple.

In theory, I know multiple UIInteraction-conforming objects can be added to any view but I'm unsure if this is possible with ImageAnalysisInteraction.

I'm willing to create a custom UIInteraction, if you see a potential way forward there (would love to hear any ideas!).

Side question/feature request: UITextSelectionDisplayInteraction, which I assume ImageAnalysisInteraction might be using internally, allows handleViews customizations and others. I would be super useful if that was exposed through ImageAnalysisInteraction as well!

Looking forward to hearing your ideas. TIA!

Multiple ImageAnalysisInteractions