Xcode 15 Beta: Asset Catalog Complier Crashing on existing project that compiled on Xcode 14

I have a project that was working perfectly on Xcode 14, but fails to compile on Xcode 15 with a "Command CompileAssetCatalog failed with a nonzero exit code". When I look into the Log I can see this error message "Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'IBPlatformToolFailureException', reason: "The tool closed the connection (AssetCatalogSimulatorAgent)".

Additionally, looking into Console, I can see two crash reports:

  • AssetCatalogSimulatorAgent: Which looks like it crashed compressing a JPEG image.
  • ibtoold: Which looks like it crashed because AssetCatalogSimulatorAgent called IBICSimulatorToolCARCompiler which crashed.

Additionally, I’ve tried:

  1. Building for real a real iPad Pro (11-inch, 3rd generation) running iPadOS 17.0.
  2. Deleting the entire folder under Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/[project name].
  3. Uninstalling and reinstalling Xcode 15.

However, I’m still getting the same issue.

So any other ideas?

Thanks for reporting this issue. Please file a bug report on https://feedbackassistant.apple.com and attach any crash logs, and if possible, a project that reproduces the crash.

FYI for anyone who hits this issue. I created a new project with the same settings as the old one and slowly added back my assets (one at a time and recompiling after each add) until I found the offending .jpg file.

As far as I can tell, there wasn't anything wrong with the original but I was able to open it in an image editor and re-export it as a .jpg file. I deleted the "bad" copy from the asset catalog and added the new. After that I was able to successfully compile.

I went back to the original project and made the same change, now everything is compiling and running normally.

I would be nice if we could put the Asset Catalog Compiler in a verbose mode where we could see exactly which file it was processing when it crashed. That would have saved me days of work.

After removing 2 svg images, error disappeared.

Xcode 15.0 beta 5 while beta 4 works fine.

Xcode 15 Beta: Asset Catalog Complier Crashing on existing project that compiled on Xcode 14