Prevent compression of video when uploading via mobile Safari?

We provide a mechanism for a user to upload video files via mobile Safari, using a standard HTML file input, eg:

<input type="file" multiple>

As per a StackOverflow answer from a few years back, we've been including the multiple attribute, which worked around whatever was compressing the video and allowed it to be uploaded in original format.

This no longer works, and the video is compressed as a part of this upload workflow.

We've also noticed this is specific to the Photo Library -- if the user were to copy the video over to Files, and then upload it via the "browse" prompt (instead of Photo Library) it uploads as is without compressing.

Is there anything else we can do to prevent this compression of video prior to upload?

@jjpriest25 Any luck with this? We having issues with videos uploaded from the iPhone losing audio track due to the compression.

Same here. It's a terrible issue for our business.

Prevent compression of video when uploading via mobile Safari?