UserDefaults and App Groups ID

Is it a bad idea to use the App Group ID as an UserDefaults' suiteName? This seems to be a general aproach I see on code bases out there.

When using the App Groups ID as a UserDefaults suiteName:

extension UserDefaults {
    static let shared = UserDefaults(suiteName: "")!

I'm getting this warning/error:

[User Defaults] Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x000000000> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes): Using kCFPreferencesAnyUser with a container is only allowed for System Containers, detaching from cfprefsd

An App Groups ID with the same String ("") is defined in Signing & Capabilities > App Groups. If I change the suitName or change the App Groups ID the warning goes away. Is it not a good idea to use the App Group ID as an UserDefaults' suiteName?

Does anybody had the same problem? I searched everywhere about this and couldn't find an answer if I can just ignore this.

I assigned the App Groups ID to the bundle on developer account and even though it didn't worked.

I'm still getting the warning

[User Defaults] Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x281cb9e80> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes): Using kCFPreferencesAnyUser with a container is only allowed for System Containers, detaching from cfprefsd

for using the same group id as UserDefaults suitName. Is it safe to just ignore this?

UserDefaults and App Groups ID