Error using ContexMEnu

Hello Dev's around the world.

I'm new using the contextMenu, and I create a card when you tap send you to a view that if you see the code it works with navigationView but if I do a long press using contextMenu it supposed that send me to another view, but I'm using the next code and it doesn't works, it's like a took another card and show me the information of other card. I hope that you can help me, I tried with .sheet and it doesn't work either.

ForEach($list) { $Category in
    NavigationLink(destination: CategoryList(list: $Category)){
        CategoryCard(list: Category)
            .frame(height: 100)
                Button {
                    selectedEditCategory = Category
                } label: {
            destination: DetailCardView(list: $Category),
            isActive: $isPreseingDetailEditCardView,
            label: { EmptyView() }

Thank you.

Error using ContexMEnu