HLS discontinuity tag, playback issues with CVBR HEVC


I am trying do a playback test with content stitched together in a HLS manifest using the #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag. Im testing on the AppleTV 4k with the VLC player and a hlsjs player with Safari on my MacOS (https://players.akamai.com/players/hlsjs)

I get playback issues when my player hits the first discontinuity section in both players. And im not sure how to further debug the issue. The VLC player just exits, the hlsjs player stops playback. I don't get any errors in the javascript console. The hlsjs player does display stats beside the player. The only hint I get is segment length is 5s up until it stops, then it says No segment length found.

I've created a stack overflow post with more details here:


I was able to get the same test working with h264 encodes and mpeg-ts video files. Does anyone have working examples of a discontinuity manifest with HEVC encodes and fragmented mp4s?

I don't see anything obviously wrong. Are you sure that every segment starts with an IDR frame? That's what EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS implies. Have you tried running the mediastreamvalidator and hlsreport to see if they complain about anything?

Thanks, that seems like a useful next step. However, Im not sure where to get those tools. All I've found was this link, but it leads to a 404:


HLS discontinuity tag, playback issues with CVBR HEVC