tvOS/SwiftUI: toolbar item steals focus

I'm trying to add a brand logo to a SwiftUI tvOS interface. The main UI is a TabView. Focus works fine until I try to add a ToolbarItem. Once I do that it seems to steal focus and my TabView becomes unusable. Here's a simple example that demonstrates the problem:

struct TestView: View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            TabView {
                Text("Screen One")
                    .tabItem({ Text("One") })
                Text("Screen Two")
                    .tabItem({ Text("Two") })
                Text("Screen Three")
                    .tabItem({ Text("Three") })
            .toolbar {
                ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
                    Image(systemName: "house.fill")

How can I keep focus from getting messed up? Should I not be using the toolbar to add the logo?

It looks like just adding toolbar causes a UINavigationBar to be drawn on top of the tab bar, which is why it isn't getting focus. Still not sure how to fix it though...


Without a "focusable" item, on tvOS, Navigation does not work as it does on iOS. Your Text controls need to be of the form Text("something").focusable(). It's not obvious that tvOS behaves differently in this regard.

tvOS/SwiftUI: toolbar item steals focus