Xcode Cloud IPA path issue

Hello, I am inquiring about the custom build script of Xcode Cloud.

I added ci_post_xcodebuild.sh to the Post-Xcodebuild step according to the guide in the official document.

I have some questions while using environment variables in Custom script.

  1. Will the IPA files stored in the environment variables CI_AD_HOC_SIGNED_APP_PATH, CI_APP_STORE_SIGNED_APP_PATH, CI_DEVELOPMENT_SIGNED_APP_PATH be uploaded to the App Store?
  2. If not, I wonder how the IPA files uploaded to the AppStore are processed and saved in which path.
  3. Also, if number 1 is wrong, for what purpose are these environment variables provided?

I'll be waiting for the reply. Thank you.

turned out you can access the .IPA with:

ls -lh

in ci_post_xcodebuild.sh file

Xcode Cloud IPA path issue