So we have been getting this crash for multiple users and from checking the logs, I know it is due to "This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data."

We are not using Microphone in our code and from the multiple opinions I saw online, it seems to be from one of the frameworks we use.

So my Question is how to find which framework is using that?

Or is there a way to prevent any framework from accessing this particular Microphone Usage

Hello Inzi1812. As you control which frameworks are included in your app, you are responsible for all functionality of those frameworks, whether you use it or not.

You will want to individually review each framework you include in your app to determine if it has a requirement for the microphone. If you're using third-party frameworks, and you're unable to identity microphone usage directly, you'll want to ask the provider of those frameworks.

You will also want to review the functionality in your app to ensure it doesn't actually include microphone functionality. For example, if your app includes an option to do a voice search, that requires microphone access.
