APNs returning 410 response status code


On one of our test devices, we stopped receiving push notifications on our app. Upon investigation we noticed that APNs is returning a 410 status code when we try to deliver a notification to this device.

In our iOS code, on every launch we call the registerForRemoteNotifications() method of UIApplication to request the device token. Upon successful registration, we receive the token in our app delegate’s application(_:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:) method. Each time we continue to receive the same token as before, and this token continues to receive a 410 response from APNs.

  1. How can we get more info on why this token has been marked as Inactive/Expired by APNs?
  2. Why is APNs giving us the same token on device if it has been marked as Inactive/Expired?
  3. What is the best way to start receiving push notifications on this device for our app? Is it possible to get a new token without deleting and re-installing the app?


Our team is facing precisely the same issue. It started happening 3 weeks ago

same here, production apns, keep receiving the same expired token from apns at each registerForRemoteNotifications call, users complaining about not getting notifications anymore and leaving bad reviews. remove+reinstall fixes this but it can't be given as a solution.