Device’s Orientation

Hey there!

Does anyone know how I can have the same view that I have with the vertical orientation also with the horizontal orientation?

Because when I change orientation from the vertical to horizontal it is all upside down, is there a way to fix it?

If you create a View of a given size (corresponding to the orientation you need), it should show the same way in both orientations.


Because when I change orientation from the vertical to horizontal it is all upside down, is there a way to fix it?

That's not clear. Could you post a screenshot?

@Claude31 I mean I have multiple objects on my screen but when I rotate the screen vertically it doesn’t show me all the objects.

Do you mean that when the phone is in horizontal position, you cannot see all the elements since they do not fit the screen?

If yes, then either provide a different view with different layout for the two orientations or add scrolling to the view(s). Sometimes both to provide a good UX.

Device’s Orientation