It depends on your design.
- if you have predefined positions in an array (posArray: [CGPoint]) of items and want to show objects using one of this random positions
Then you can randomise the array of objects (objectsArray) in a computed var randomObjects
And draw them using the posArray to get their position
- Or you may have a struct for object, including a position
struct MyCircle {
var radius: Int
var pos: CGPoint {
let x = (0...500).randomElement()!
let y = (0...800).randomElement()!
return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
Then you create the array of MyCircle and draw them
Note: if you want to redraw at random position, create a draw func that draws the circle
struct MyObject {
var radius: Int
var color: UIColor = .clear
var pos: CGPoint {
let x = (0...500).randomElement()!
let y = (0...800).randomElement()!
return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
func draw() {
print("pos", pos)
// draw at pos with radius, filled with color
Each time you call draw(), a new random position will be computed.