XCode distribution error: INVALID SIGNATURE: Code fails to satisfy specified code requirements

I'm trying to upload my react native ios app to App Store connect in order to distribute it to some testers via Testflight. After succesfully archiving my app using release scheme I click on Distribute app and Upload, after some spinning I get the following error:


I'm using XCode automatically manage signing feature, the thing is it appears I can't distribute app to Testflight using a development certificate (I think this one was automatically created when I enrolled for Apple Development for 99 euros...). How can I change between certificates while letting Xcode manage signing automatically.

This images might be relevant too (Build Settings & General tab) of my app in Xcode.

Build settings: https://i.imgur.com/S5jULhS.png

Signing and capabilities: https://i.imgur.com/JeQfrqj.png

Also, I DO HAVE distribution certificates as you can see in this image, so why is XCode using the wrong one?


Thanks in advance, I'm an android guy so pardon my rookie questions.

XCode distribution error: INVALID SIGNATURE: Code fails to satisfy specified code requirements