I'm trying to upload my react native ios app to App Store connect in order to distribute it to some testers via Testflight. After succesfully archiving my app using release scheme I click on Distribute app and Upload, after some spinning I get the following error:
I'm using XCode automatically manage signing feature, the thing is it appears I can't distribute app to Testflight using a development certificate (I think this one was automatically created when I enrolled for Apple Development for 99 euros...). How can I change between certificates while letting Xcode manage signing automatically.
This images might be relevant too (Build Settings & General tab) of my app in Xcode.
Build settings: https://i.imgur.com/S5jULhS.png
Signing and capabilities: https://i.imgur.com/JeQfrqj.png
Also, I DO HAVE distribution certificates as you can see in this image, so why is XCode using the wrong one?
Thanks in advance, I'm an android guy so pardon my rookie questions.