Call Published properties from an ObservableObject class in other classes in Swift

Hi, a Service class where I process all Core Data transactions for a single entity/Object and I often find my self needing to access information from other classes and I was wondering if there was an issue by calling these classes in non-UI related classes.

In the following code I'm calling the dogs array from the DogService class inside the DogHouseService class, and I was wondering if this could be an issue.

Are there any possible issue by calling @Published properties from an ObservableObject class inside other classes?

ObservableObject class

 class DogService: ObservableObject{

    let manager: CoreDataManager

    @Published var dogs: [Dog] = []

    init(coreDataManager: CoreDataManager = .instance){
      self.manager = coreDataManager

    //Adds, Deletes, Updates, etc.

    func loadDogs(){
      let request = NSFetchRequest<Dog>(entityName: "Dog")
        dogs =  try manager.context.fetch(request)
      }catch let error{
        print("Error fetching dogs. \(error.localizedDescription)")

    func save(){

Other Class

  class DogHouseService{
    let dogService = DogService()

    for dog in dogService.dogs{
      // do something