SwiftUI Charts: How to center the Y-axis labels on each horizontal bar in a bar chart?

I'm using the new SwiftUI Charts framework to display data in a vertical bar chart, but I'm having trouble centering the Y-axis date labels on each bar:

struct ChartEntry: Identifiable {
    var id = UUID()
    let labelDate: Date
    let amount: Int

struct ContentView: View {
    let chartContent: [ChartEntry]
    var body: some View {
        Chart {
            ForEach(chartContent) { entry in
                BarMark(x: .value("Value", entry.amount),
                        y: .value("Hour Label", entry.labelDate, unit: .hour))
        .chartYAxis {
            AxisMarks(position: .leading, values: chartContent.map{$0.labelDate}) { data in
        .chartXScale(domain: 0...50)

This code generates a chart with Y-axis date labels aligned to the bottom of the bars (I populated the chartContent object with sample entries):

I want to center the labels on each bar.

I've tried AxisValueLabel(centered: true). It moved all the Y-axis date labels down in an apparent random amount. Now they are misaligned and in the wrong place. Additionally, the first row is missing a label:

I've also tried AxisMarks(preset: .aligned), but it doesn't change anything.

How can I center the Y-axis date labels on each bar?

I'm aware of this question and this question, but these solutions do not solve the problem.

Thank you very much.

This problem only appears to be happening when the Y-axis label is a Date object, so I found a workaround: I converted each Date label into a String and the problem went away. It's not an answer to my question, but a temporary fix.

If you find a way to compute the value of offset (using geometryReader), you can try this:

                BarMark(x: .value("Value", entry.amount),
                        y: .value("Hour Label", entry.labelDate, unit: .hour))
                .offset(y: 10)  // 10 should be computed…
SwiftUI Charts: How to center the Y-axis labels on each horizontal bar in a bar chart?