I have an audio analysis tool which I’m trying to parallelise, but it uses an escalating amount of heap space when working on a set of audio files.
It turns out that when I use the convert(to:error:withInputFrom:)
method of AVAudioConverter
inside a concurrentPerform
block, a large amount of the memory associated with each conversion is retained until the very end of the concurrent performance, rather than being released at the end of each iteration’s execution. As such, the memory usage climbs and climbs while a batch of files is processed, rather than staying effectively flat during parallel operations.
I’m assuming that this is some flaw in my code rather than a bug in either framework, and hope someone can help me find it. See below a simplified version of the code, which converts the same file an arbitrary number of times (rather than operating on a large batch of different files as is the case in my real application).
Any help appreciated!
let outputFormat = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatFloat32, sampleRate: 8000, channels: 1, interleaved: false)!
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async {
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: 1000) { index in
let inputFile = try! AVAudioFile(forReading: URL(filePath: "/path/to/some/song.m4a"))
let inputFormat = inputFile.processingFormat
let inputFrameCount = AVAudioFrameCount(inputFile.length)
let inputBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: inputFormat, frameCapacity: inputFrameCount)!
try! inputFile.read(into: inputBuffer)
let sampleRateCoefficient = inputFormat.sampleRate / outputFormat.sampleRate
let outputFrameCount = UInt32(Double(inputFrameCount) / sampleRateCoefficient)
let outputBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: outputFormat, frameCapacity: outputFrameCount)!
let converter = AVAudioConverter(from: inputBuffer.format, to: outputFormat)!
let converterInputBlock: AVAudioConverterInputBlock = { _, outStatus in
outStatus.pointee = AVAudioConverterInputStatus.haveData
return inputBuffer
// If we just do some arbitrary work here, even big mallocs, memory usage is flat as everything is released at the end of the concurrentPerform closure.
// But if we run this conversion, each iteration retains a big chunk of memory until they're all finished. :(
to: outputBuffer,
error: nil,
withInputFrom: converterInputBlock