XCode 14.2 breaks with iOS 16.4

Hello. today 03-29-2023 after updates: iPhone13mini iOS 16.4 MacBook M2 Ventura 13.3 Xcode 14.2===> "iPhone failed to prepare the device for development." :-(

Having the same issue... And there's no new release version of xcode available to download.

Same issue. Reboots have no effect.

See my post -> https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/xcode-14-2-14c18-breaks-with-ios-16-4-iphone-14-13-12-pro-iphonex-failed-to-prepare-device-for-development-after-os-ios-updates.2385046/?post=32063331#post-32063331

Apple and Xcode - these are two different companies, and Xcode seems to be slowing down

will it help or not Xcode 14.3 RC 2 https://developer.apple.com/download/applications/

Same issue here. 😕

Same issue. Stack in the middle of release a new app for iOS.

Same issue. Reboots have no effect. :((

I am also having this same issue.

I have the Same issue 😕

Same here, I did remove phone from the Xcode devices, laptop reboot, iPhone reboot, with cable or no cable (over the network), all of that didn't help.

Really annoying to have to use a beta xcode for a released version of iOS

Same issue and sadly not the first time that the iOS version exceeds the Xcode capability.

There are two options here, as this occurs often when an iOS Release is done and Xcode is behind:

For those who can install the beta or the release candidate that only works on MacOS Ventura:

  1. install the Xcode 14.3 RC 2 over the Software Downloads page (@America3D) pointed out direct link. This version includes the iOS 16.4 version.

For those cannot install the newest Xcode version:

  1. Download the 14.3 RC2, "show the package contents" of the app (context menu on app-file or right click on file). Navigate to "Xcode-14.3.0-Release.Candidate.2.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/". Copy the 6.4 directory in the same directory for your current Xcode version.
XCode 14.2 breaks with iOS 16.4