Max number of training image data for CreateML?

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to train a hand pose classifier. But I stumble upon the problem where if I give training data above certain number (i.e. ~4000 images).

Is it a limit imposed by Apple? because I even tried to reduce the size of images and even dimensions but it always gives me error while training whenever I give training data above certain number.

Has anyone else stumbled upon this problem?if so, is there any work around for any number of data can be given to CreateML?


I have also encountered this problem! And there is another post about it!

This is what I encountered! I am using the dataset, and subsampling from it.

I also get an error in the pretraining, feature extraction phase: Human Hand Pose Detector was given zero-dimensioned image (0 x 0).

I have tried sampling the first x of each of the 18 classes of handpose images in the datatset. I find that if x = 200 (3600 images) or less, everything runs fine, but if x = 300 (5400 images), I get this error, around the late 4000s of file extraction/prep.

I have checked a couple things:

  1. Every Image in the dataset has been checked to ensure it is not actually a zero dimensional image via a python script with PIL.
  2. I get the same error if I use images 1-200 plus 201-300 as when I use images 1-200 plus 301-400. So i do not believe there is an issue with a particular image.

It seems as though there is a cap on the number of images allowed in a createML workspace, though I am not sure why.

Thank you!

Max number of training image data for CreateML?