I can check for the maximum via the code below, but how can I check for the minimum?
let maxThreads = mFunctionPSO.maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup
I saw that the minimum amount of threads depends on the chip architecture, but I could not find it in the metal documentation. Of course it makes no sense to make for example one thread in a threadGroup, but I keep running into the error below when the data inside the buffer is not long enough.
I test on an iPhone 8 running iOS 13.5.
var message: [UInt8] = [UInt8]("ABC".utf8)
threadAmount = message.count
mBufferResult = self.device.makeBuffer(
bytes: &message,
length: MemoryLayout<UInt8>.stride * threadAmount,
options: MTLResourceOptions.storageModeShared)
mCommandBuffer = mCommandQueue.makeCommandBuffer()
mEncoder = mCommandBuffer?.makeComputeCommandEncoder()
mEncoder?.setBuffer(mBufferResult, offset: 0, index: 0)
let grid = MTLSize(width: threadAmount, height: 1, depth: 1)
let maxThreads = mFunctionPSO.maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup
let threadGroupSize = MTLSize(width: maxThreads, height: 1, depth: 1)
mEncoder?.dispatchThreads(grid, threadsPerThreadgroup: threadGroupSize)
threadAmount will be 3, then this is the error I get on dispatchThreads... what does this error even mean? If i change the message to ABCD then the error disappears.
Compute Function(example): argument result[0] from buffer(0) with offset(0) and length(3) has space for 3 bytes, but argument has a length(4).
This is the metal shader code, just a basic test setup:
kernel void example(device uint* result,
uint index [[thread_position_in_grid]])
//some code