DeviceActivityReport shows 0 screen time data during a daily segment interval

Since Monday March 13 2023, DeviceActivityReport with a daily segment filter shows 0 screen time, for all users of my app (there are thousands). When changing the segment to hourly, it works but performance suffers.

I've defined the filter like this:

@State private var filter =
    DeviceActivityFilter(segment: .daily(during: DateInterval(
        start: Calendar.current.startOfDay(for: .now),
        end: .now)))

Is anybody else experiencing this? This happened on its own after no change in the code or update to the app, and seems to be correlated with the first full day of Daylight Savings.

I will file a bug in Feedback Assistant, but is there any other guidance you can give on what might be the root cause, and if there's a fix? Seems like a large issue. Thanks in advance!

This is a known bug and should be resolved in an upcoming version of iOS. Using an hourly filter is probably the safest workaround. Another (more heavy-handed workaround) is to deauthorize and re-authorize your app using FamilyControls.

DeviceActivityReport shows 0 screen time data during a daily segment interval