Hi, I am trying to implement shape classification or drawing classification in swift playgrounds app. It basically has a Image classifier which is trained on different hand drawn shapes and once the user stops drawing on the canvas the ML model is called to predict the shape but I am getting poor results while running the app in Xcode but when I try the predict the same image with the create ML preview tab the model works perfectly fine.
I tried to convert the image to cvPixelBuffer with the specific parameters given by the model such as
Input image to be classified as color (kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA) image buffer, 299 pixels wide by 299 pixels high
So what could be the Issue, I even tried to use Vision but I didn't work too. Any help would be appreciated.
Sanjiv A
Hey Sanjiv,
Could you share a sample image or code that you're running into this issue with? It would help a lot in reproducing the issue and helping guide you to a fix. It's hard to tell exactly what the issue is, but since you're getting a prediction in the app, it seems possible that the error is on the conversion to cvPixelBuffer, and resolving that might resolve your issue.
Thanks, Jack