After looking into this a bit more it seems to be a Mac Catalyst issue. The HTML full screen API doesn't appear to be supported at all. If you load a page with Javascript that calls requestFullscreen on an element you will instead get a Javascript exception. You can confirm this with this simple little bit of javascript:
// Function to open fullscreen mode. Attached to a button's onclick event.
function openFullscreen()
//The elem is a <video> element.
var elem = document.getElementById('myvidid');
if (elem.requestFullscreen)
console.log('Calling requestFullscreen');
else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen)
console.log('Calling webkitRequestFullscreen');
else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen)
console.log('Calling msRequestFullscreen');
console.log('Calling nothing. Must be Mac Catalyst.');
If I run it on iPad the following logs out:
Calling requestFullscreen
If I run it on Mac Catalyst (Optimized for Mac) the following logs out:
Calling nothing. Must be Mac Catalyst.
If I create an AppKit target and run it works.
So full screen elements is just stripped out of Mac Catalyst. Doesn't matter if you set elementFullscreenEnabled on WKPreferences to YES. Hopefully it's a bug and not "intentional behavior" to make Catalyst apps less capable.