Xcode Cloud build fails at Run post-actions

I've joined Apple Developer Program recently and been trying out the Xcode Cloud build system. However every time I push a new build to the cloud it always failed at "Run post-actions" step. Here are the error logs:

2023-02-24T16:44:29.724426653Z	Run post-actions
2023-02-24T16:44:29.724697192Z	SchemeAction Run\ Script /var/folders/kh/4m1s45gx6glgzpxqvt3bfrbh0000gn/T/SchemeScriptAction-5p71AC.sh
2023-02-24T16:44:29.724802913Z	    cd /var/folders/kh/4m1s45gx6glgzpxqvt3bfrbh0000gn/T/
2023-02-24T16:44:29.724867893Z	    /bin/sh -c /var/folders/kh/4m1s45gx6glgzpxqvt3bfrbh0000gn/T/SchemeScriptAction-5p71AC.sh
2023-02-24T16:44:29.724948266Z	There are no Xcode project files in this directory.  agvtool needs a project to operate.

I've checked my build phases in my xcodeproj file and found no extra script phases. It seems Xcode Cloud added this script for my project. It complains about not finding the project file in the directory. I'm confused and cannot find any solution for this particular problem. Please help me solving this error! Thank you very much and sorry for any bad English!

Same issue here.

Xcode Cloud build fails at Run post-actions