I have an app that uses a secure certificate to communicate with the node server. I have been using openssl to create a pem file and then convert that pem file to a .cer which is used in the app.
This method has been working for months but all of a sudden yesterday all iOS versions became locked out and iOS now claims the certificate is invalid. The certificate is valid until Apr. 11th and the app and website are working as expected on other platforms.
I updated the certificate using the same methods I have been in the past:
openssl s_client -servername DOMAIN -connect DOMAIN:443 </dev/null | sed -n -e '/-.BEGIN/,/-.END/ p' > mycert.pem
openssl x509 -in mycert.pem -outform der -out mycert.cer
and the .cer says it is valid until Apr 10 but when I run the app it still says it's invalid and there could be a man in the middle.
I even added the domain as an exception to allow insecure http payloads but I am still getting an error saying it's invalid.
Has there been a recent update to ssl standards in iOS or are other people experiencing this as well?