How to report bug on Apple clang ?


How would you report bugs on the Apple clang compiler on macOS?

I have a found an invalid code generation bug with clang on arm64e platform. Code generation bugs are particularly dangerous (well, this one crashes the application and you can spot it quite rapidly).

I initially reported it to the LLVM open source team here:

But the team refused to take Apple-related topics and the report was closed. They said to go to

Now, this link just redirects to the "Apple Feedback" utility. So, I re-entered the report in this utility (report #FB11965434) two weeks ago. But I have no response, no news, not even some automatic acknowledgement in any form.

Since the "Apple Feedback" utility seems more end-user oriented ("hey, this button has the wrong color"), I wonder if the report will simply fall into oblivion.

Any alternative or more technical way of reporting compiler bugs?



Feedback Assistant is the right way to report any bug in any of Apple's frameworks, or in your case, in the complier, and I've verified that FB11965434 is with the right team for you. Please review the Bug Reporting page you linked to review the expectations on receiving additional status on your report.


Please review the Bug Reporting page you linked to review the expectations on receiving additional status on your report.

Could you be more specific? Where can I check the status of my report?

The Apple Feedback utility gives no... feedback at all. The link I mentioned points to the LLVM public project where the report was closed as "Apple specific".

The Apple Feedback utility gives no... feedback at all


edford has confirmed that the right people have received your report. You probably won’t hear anything else.

The exception would be if they can’t reproduce the problem, in which case they will send a message saying “please submit a complete xcode project that demonstrates the problem”.

You may also get messages after a while saying “please confirm if this problem still exists in xcode version n+1 beta”. This could mean that they believe they have fixed it and are asking you to confirm, or it could mean that they just guess that maybe it has gone away due to unrelated changes, and want you to re-run your check.

Have you tried to reproduce the bug with upstream clang? If you can reproduce it with upstream clang, do so and report that to them!

When I suggested you review the Bug Reporting page, I specifically meant the section titled "What to expect after submission."

How to report bug on Apple clang ?