How would you report bugs on the Apple clang compiler on macOS?
I have a found an invalid code generation bug with clang on arm64e platform. Code generation bugs are particularly dangerous (well, this one crashes the application and you can spot it quite rapidly).
I initially reported it to the LLVM open source team here: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/60239
But the team refused to take Apple-related topics and the report was closed. They said to go to https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/
Now, this link just redirects to the "Apple Feedback" utility. So, I re-entered the report in this utility (report #FB11965434) two weeks ago. But I have no response, no news, not even some automatic acknowledgement in any form.
Since the "Apple Feedback" utility seems more end-user oriented ("hey, this button has the wrong color"), I wonder if the report will simply fall into oblivion.
Any alternative or more technical way of reporting compiler bugs?