List with Sections output weird results?

Hi, This is my first time using a list with different sections. I am using an example from a documented video that I found on the Internet.

I'm getting some weird results. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Here's the code:

import Foundation

struct History: Identifiable, Hashable
  var id = UUID()
  var hist: String

struct Titles: Identifiable, Hashable
  var id = UUID()
  var Titl: String

struct Library: Identifiable, Hashable
  var id = UUID()
  var lib: String

// Main Menu Options:
var commandsA: [History] = [History(hist: "History"),
                            History(hist: "Overview")]

var commandsB: [Titles] = [Titles(Titl: "Title 1: Employment"),
                           Titles(Titl: "Title 2: Public Service" ),
                           Titles(Titl: "Title 3: Public Accommidations"),
                           Titles(Titl: "Title 4: Telecommunication"),
                           Titles(Titl: "Title 5: Miscellous")]

var commandsC: [Library] = [Library(lib: "2010 Accessibilty Standards"),
                            Library(lib: "2008 ADA Amendments"),
                            Library(lib: "Phone Numbers"),
                            Library(lib: "More Information")]

struct MainMenu160: View {
  @State private var path = NavigationPath()
  var body: some View {
    NavigationStack(path: $path) {
        List {
          Section(header: Text("Overview")) {
            ForEach(commandsA) { secA in
                HStack {
                  Image(systemName: "folder")
                }.font(.system(size: 20, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
      List {
        Section(header: Text("Titles:")) {
          ForEach(commandsB) { secB in
            HStack {
              Image(systemName: "folder")
            }.font(.system(size: 20, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
        List {
          Section(header: Text("Library:")) {
            ForEach(commandsC) { secC in
              HStack {
                Image(systemName: "folder")
              }.font(.system(size: 20, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
      }.navigationTitle("ADA 1990")
  struct MainMenu160_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

And here's the output:


Sorry, here it is: