'Float16' is unavailable in macOS when in swift package


I wrote a package with Float16 inside. When I compile a macos (13.x) app that includes this package, the compiler complains for unavailable Float16.

However, If I compile the same code app with the code directly included (i.e. not in a package), everything is OK.

It looks like the package is compiled for a macOS target < V11 despite the manifest specifies v13

Does anyone knows how to tell the SPM to use a specific version or as a workaround for tis issue ?

I'm very upset because I feel like it should be easier to find than this, but in the docs (and the Float16 header):

/// A half-precision (16b), floating-point value type.
/// `Float16` is available on Apple silicon,
/// and unavailable on Intel when targeting macOS.

sooo, basically, if you conditionally compile for arm, it should work:

	#if arch(arm64)
	@available(macOS 11.0, iOS 14.0, *)
	let value: Float16 = 0

Oh, my, that's upsetting. I wonder what the situation is for ARM64 Windows?

'Float16' is unavailable in macOS when in swift package