Hello Everyone,
I'm developing an App and there is this specific behaviour that im struggling to implement. I want to display the profile images of the users participating in an event like below
with the first 4 having their avatars appear and the surplus being counted and displayed in that counter circle. Not sure how to achieve this with swiftUI atm any guidance will be much appreciated
Alright so i tinkered around with it and found a neat way to get the look working right with offsetting but now im facing a slightly different hiccup
ForEach(game.athletes){athlete in
ProfileImage(athlete: athlete,width: 50,height: 50).offset(x:CGFloat(-(game.athletes.firstIndex(of: athlete) ?? 0) * offsetCounter ))
Which gives me this beautiful look :
Now my issue lies in the divider and how it doesn't account for the offsetting that's occurring. It stays where it should have been if the last profile image wasn't offset.