Watch falls asleep during active HKWorkoutSession

I get data from the accelerometer (CMMotionManager) and training (HKWorkoutSession) and transfer it to the phone in real time, but at a random moment the watch falls asleep.

In the info I use WKBackgroundModes: workout-processing The strap is tightened tightly, at first I thought that he was losing contact and the reason was in it. When I wrote the same functions earlier using WatchKit, there was no such problem, but now with SwiftUI there is this a problem.


let workoutConfiguration = HKWorkoutConfiguration()
workoutConfiguration.activityType = .mindAndBody
workoutConfiguration.locationType = .unknown
do {
   self.session = try HKWorkoutSession(healthStore: self.healthStore, configuration: workoutConfiguration)
   self.builder = self.session?.associatedWorkoutBuilder()
   self.builder?.dataSource = HKLiveWorkoutDataSource(healthStore: self.healthStore, workoutConfiguration: workoutConfiguration)
   self.session?.delegate = self
   self.builder?.delegate = self
   // timer for update state
   self.timerHealth = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(self.getHealth), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
   self.session?.startActivity(with: self.startDate)
   self.builder?.beginCollection(withStart: self.startDate) { (success, error) in
      guard success else {
} catch {

The timer print the current time, at a random moment the output stops and is restored only after the screen is turned on

Apple's documentation write that if the workout process is enabled, the application will continues in the background, but it is not. how to set up background work? what did i miss?

Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 743331022

See "Run in the background" section on

Check if your SwiftUI app is doing more work than your WatchKit based one causing the suspension. You should also see a log file saved on watch that could indicate this. It'll look like a crash log but should note that CPU time was exceeded.

Accepted Answer

See "Run in the background" section on

Check if your SwiftUI app is doing more work than your WatchKit based one causing the suspension. You should also see a log file saved on watch that could indicate this. It'll look like a crash log but should note that CPU time was exceeded.

Watch falls asleep during active HKWorkoutSession