Xcode Cloud API

We need the ability to get the Xcode Cloud next-build-number and set the next-build-number via API.

Can you please add this or show us how to do this?

The UX does it this way:

: https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/ci/api/teams/TEAM_GUID/products/PROD_GUID/next-build-number

OK I figured it out. Use: https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/ciProducts/<ID>/buildRuns

number - is the build Number.

BUT! Sorts are not documented on this, so - how do I sort by number newest to oldest? Something like ?sort=number desc


The results come back as:

data[].attributes.number and there are data[].attributes.startedDate etc...

Can we get a feature for this?

SetBuild Number from API

Bump ! Does Apple monitor these discussions forums?

Xcode Cloud API