How do I support macOS 12.6 with a Mac Catalyst app and Xcode 14.2?

I have an Intel Mac running macOS Monterey 12.6. I'm running Xcode 14.2.

I created a new iOS project. I deleted the "Mac (Designed for iPad)" destination and added the "Mac (Mac Catalyst)" destination.

Unlike the iOS minimum deployment target, oddly there is no place to set the macOS minimum deployment target. I had to go to the target's Build Settings and change it there.

I then chose "My Mac (Mac Catalyst)" as the build target and built the project. So far, so good.

I then tried to run the app. I get a dialog with the following message:

Could not launch “SampleApp”
The app is incompatible with the current version of macOS. Please check the app's deployment target.

Clicking on the Details button gives lots of info. Some things I see are:

"device_osBuild" = "12.6 (21G115)";
"sdk_canonicalName" = "macosx13.1";
"sdk_osVersion" = "13.1";

But I'm not running macOS 13.1. I have macOS 12.6. Oddly there's no mention of the deployment target being set to 12.4 (which I set in the target's Build Settings).

If I go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Platforms, I see "macOS 13.1" listed as built-in. Tapping on the + button there is no option for macOS.

So my question is how do I support running a Mac Catalyst app on an Intel Mac running macOS 12.6 while using Xcode 14.2?

Can it be done? What steps do I need to take?

I've reloaded the project. I've restarted Xcode. I've done a clean build. Nothing changes.

Accepted Reply

I am currently doing Mac Catalyst development, see whether I can help.

In the target, what's the iOS minimum requirement? Try 15.0. (Mac Catalyst is based on corresponding iOS version)

  • Doh!. So simple. I had created a new iOS project just to test something quick with Mac Catalyst and never even considered the iOS deployment target. Thank you.

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I am currently doing Mac Catalyst development, see whether I can help.

In the target, what's the iOS minimum requirement? Try 15.0. (Mac Catalyst is based on corresponding iOS version)

  • Doh!. So simple. I had created a new iOS project just to test something quick with Mac Catalyst and never even considered the iOS deployment target. Thank you.

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