Swift @objc selector doesn't work.

I found a classic NSAlert implementation in Objective-C (written by TroikaTronix). I managed to rewrite the entire implementation in Swift: https://github.com/TroikaTronix/NSCustomAlert/pull/3 (See NSClassicAlert.swift)

It looks good except that all buttons in NSClassicAlert does not execute its designated actions. I don't know why.

  @discardableResult public func addButton(withTitle title: String) -> NSButton {
    let frame = NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 40, height: 30)
    let btn = NSButton(frame: frame)
    btn.bezelStyle = .rounded
    btn.font = .systemFont(ofSize: NSFont.systemFontSize)
    btn.target = self  // TARGET ACTION
    btn.action = #selector(buttonPressed(_:))
    btn.title = title
    btn.tag = buttons.count
    expandButtonSize(button: btn, amount: 10, minWidth: 75)
    return btn

  @objc internal func buttonPressed(_ sender: NSButton) {
    guard let panel = panel else { return }
    var response = NSApplication.ModalResponse.alertFirstButtonReturn
    switch sender.tag {
      case 1: response = NSApplication.ModalResponse.alertSecondButtonReturn
      case 2: response = NSApplication.ModalResponse.alertThirdButtonReturn
      default: response = NSApplication.ModalResponse.alertFirstButtonReturn
    if let docWindow = docWindow {
      docWindow.endSheet(panel, returnCode: response)
    } else {
      NSApp.stopModal(withCode: response)

Could you add a print, to check if action is called:

@objc internal func buttonPressed(_ sender: NSButton) {
    print("buttonPressed by", sender)
    guard let panel = panel else { return }

And tell what you get.

Replying to @Claude31 :

There's no results printed in the Xcode output console, indicating that the buttonPressed(_:) is not called at all. (I dunno why my previous comment disappeared again and again, hence this standalone reply.)

Swift @objc selector doesn't work.