Process and help required to have a Playgrounds project published as an App on the App Store

In a nutshell I am looking for someone to either point me in the right direction for me to get help finishing my project or help me finish it. I have written this app in Playgrounds on an iPad which works okay but it is still a bit clunky. This is my first app ever and I might add written at the ripe old age of 69 (which is proof there are still functioning brain cells in older age). Please don’t let this influence you into thinking my app is not worth perusing to the publishing stage. This app I am fairly sure is unique in that it is both an indoors and outdoors game which requires the participants to solve words which are used to navigate a course which can be around the world or in your backyard. It has been described to me as an excellent Team Bonding game. I have experienced the game being played with around thirty people but also as few as four people and they were all so much fun! The app is at a stage beyond the concept stage and it is being used to build games and the games have been played successfully providing a lot of fun for a wide age group.

My vision of a completed app requires the app to still do the following…

To be able to generate a QR Code of a game built on one device which in turn can be read on other devices to play the same game.

To have the option of printing the cards that are used in the game (at present I have to do screenshots and save them for printing).

At present the game requires the participants to use two apps, mine for the clue solving and another for the navigation. If the navigation part could be done in my app it would make it so much better!

I have no idea what is involved in getting an app published which is something in itself that I need help with.

Some time in the future, maybe games in the form of a QR Code could be sold by subscription on the App Store? These games could be used for competitions or challenges etc.

This is a rough overview of where I am at and despite being pleased with my achievement (with help by Claude31, thanks again because without your help and patience I may have given up?) I realise I have reached the stage that only the experienced can get my app to the completion stage.

Any help in the form of pointers, developers that specialise in this, website suggestions or even your own similar experiences will be greatly appreciated.

I have managed to submit my App. The process is not easy for the first time user but once achieved it does become clearer and I have managed to upload version updates.

Process and help required to have a Playgrounds project published as an App on the App Store