SwiftUI Canvas with 3D Transformation

I'm trying to copying the Colorful Confetti effect in iMessage using SwiftUI Canvas and I am wondering how to apply 3D transformation on each particle.

I have tried to add a projectionTransform in order to apply a CATransform3D, but it rotates all the canvas, not a particular particle, which is not the effect I want.

Currently, I use the very basic ForEach(particles.indices, id: \.self) loop to create each particle and use .rotation3DEffect to apply that transformation, but it may result in a performance issue (so, I tried to use .drawingGroup()).

Is there any solutions to apply 3D transformation to a particular particle in a Canvas??

My code (using ForEach loop):

GeometryReader { proxy in
    let size = proxy.size
    TimelineView(.animation) { timeline in
        let _: () = {
            let now = timeline.date.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
            model.update(at: now)
        ZStack {
            ForEach(model.particles.indices, id: \.self) { index in
                let particle = model.particles[index]
                    .rotation3DEffect(.degrees(particle.degrees), axis: (x: particle.x, y: particle.y, z: particle.z))
                    .frame(width: particle.frame.width, height: particle.frame.height)
        .frame(width: size.width, height: size.height)
        DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
            .onEnded { _ in model.loadEffect(in: size) }
    .task { model.loadEffect(in: size) }
SwiftUI Canvas with 3D Transformation