Core Date get time in milliseconds

I created an entity TrackPointCD, which has a date property. When reading an entity, I can't get a timestamp with milliseconds, I get only seconds without a fractional part. When creating an object, I see that the date has milliseconds:

            let point = TrackPointCD(context: context )
   = UUID()
   = pointSave.cllocation2D.latitude
            point.lng = pointSave.cllocation2D.longitude
            point.elevation = pointSave.elevation
            point.distance = pointSave.distance
            point.speed = pointSave.speed
            point.track = trackCD

Optional(694475604.977305) Optional(694475605.371098) Optional(694475615.984135) ......................... When reading data written in the same way, there are no milliseconds. By sorting, I see that the sorting is always correct, as if there are milliseconds, but I can’t get them. What am I doing wrong?

    guard let track = track else { return }
    let decriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: "date", ascending: true)
    guard let points = track.trackpoint?.sortedArray(using: [decriptor]) as? [TrackPointCD] else  { return }
    points.forEach { point in

Optional(693467599.0) Optional(693467601.0) Optional(693467602.0) Optional(693467603.0) Optional(693467604.0) ....................

Core Date get time in milliseconds