Device token has returned without Permissions.

I'm facing an issue about Push Notification with Notification Service Extension (NSE). Steps:

  1. Allow Push Permissions and a valid device_token has been returned. The Push Notification come successfully and has handled by NSE. The NSE take some seconds for complete.

  2. When a Push is coming and the NSE is processing (not call contentHandler yet). Quickly delete the app.

  3. Then, we reinstall the app. Now, we can see:

  • A content of push was called to didReceiveRemoteNotification of AppDelegate of main app (Not NSE).

  • A valid device token has been returned to didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken without calling registerForRemoteNotifications and any Permissions. We can use this device_token to push.

I can see it on: iOS 16.3 (Beta), iOS 16.1.1 (Final)...

I can check the Permissions of the Push Notification before use the device_token. But It doesn't make sense. Do we have some best solutions for this?
