df command missing

We have a customer that is using our large java application. This app invokes the "df" command to find the network drive mappings. On JUST THIS ONE CUSTOMERS machines (several), the "df" command is missing. He is using Mac OS 11.7.1.

The "df" command exists on every other Mac we've tested. WHY is it missing?

An attempt to install it using brew install coreutils, only kind-of worked. He can run "df -i -n" from the terminal, but our app still can't find it.

How are you testing for df, when troubleshooting?

Logged in via Terminal.app, or via a Java app?

Checked for any surprises in PATH?

Used whereis or such to go looking for the df executable?

From Monterey 12.6.2:

$ whereis df
df: /bin/df /usr/share/man/man1/df.1`

Is full disk access enabled for the Java app, and for Terminal.app?

Our app logs when it's attempt to use it fails with: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "df": error=2, No such file or directory

When the user tried running "df" in the Terminal, he got the command not found error. After using brew to install it, he was able to run "df -i -n" and it worked. Our app STILL reports the same No such file or directory error.

The biggest issue is that this works on hundreds of Mac OS computers. It's only on this one customers systems that it fails. "Full Disk Access" - don't know, didn't even know that setting existed. We'll have to contact the customer again to check on that.

Note that I just tested with my Mac OS 12 box. our App is not listed in the "Full Disk Access" list, but still can use the "df" command. Anyone have any ideas on what security settings might make it impossible to use the "df" command? (Or why it may not have been installed on the Mac?)

Customer finally got back to me. he did the "whereis df", and it gave back the same results at mentioned above. Our app still can't run it though. This is sounding like a permissions issue at this point. "Full Disk Access" isn't needed on any other Mac we've ever run on, so I have trouble believing that is the issue.

df command missing