Attempting to store bytes of data in CFPreferences/NSUserDefaults on this platform is invalid

I am not really sure what is the cause but this happens if i overwrite values. if i clear the app from scratch and store them all it works ok. Thoughts?

my exact message is Attempting to store >= 4194304 bytes of data in CFPreferences/NSUserDefaults on this platform is invalid

Description of keys being set:
holocene_update: string value, approximate encoded size: 25

Description of keys already present:
holocene: string value, approximate encoded size: 5216090
GMSMapsUserClientZwiebackCookie: string value, approximate encoded size: 175
GMSMapsUserCookie: data value, size: 48
kGMSServerVersionMetadataTrackerSavedServerVersionMetadataKey: data value, size: 30
holocene_update: string value, approximate encoded size: 25 string value, approximate encoded size: 6
cyclone_alert_last: string value, approximate encoded size: 5 string value, approximate encoded size: 5
GMSMapsUserClientCohort: string value, approximate encoded size: 4
kGMSMapsUserClientLegalCountry: string value, approximate encoded size: 2
Total keys: 12 - Average approximate value size: 434699 bytes
2022-12-19 17:49:08.777899+0800 PH Weather And Earthquake Updates[31305:4102377] [User Defaults] CFPrefsPlistSource<0x600002b80980> (Domain: ************, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No): Transitioning into direct mode

Is there a way to increase this limit? I need to store data.

Accepted Reply

UserDefaults isn't intended to store such large amounts of data. It would be more usual to persist data like this in a file in a known location.


UserDefaults isn't intended to store such large amounts of data. It would be more usual to persist data like this in a file in a known location.

This limit exists since a long time, as shown in this old post:

Are you trying to store an image ?

You should store in a file and store the file URL in UserDefaults.

The same for any type of data.

Note: 4 194 304 is exactly 2 ** 22.

  • Not an image, just json data. Hmm ok. But what is weird is that I can do this on the first try. It does not work if save the data when the key already exists. I tried to remove the key and add it but same result.

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