Resolving package graph on every change

Out iOS app consists of a main project and several swift packages under a workspace.

  • Every time I open the workspace, I end up with Xcode 14 being unusable for 10+ seconds, being stuck on Resolving package graph
  • Adding/renaming/deleting files to any of the swift packages we have seems to trigger this as well.

Has anyone experienced this as well?

We're currently experiencing this as well. Our setup is similar to yours - we have one Xcode project with several swift packages. File operations are the most painful, since every addition or renaming causes Xcode to freeze for 10-30 seconds.

This happens in Xcode 14.1.

Yes, that's exactly what we're experiencing as well.

Yes, it's super annoying. :(

In case this helps anyone, I believe that there is something wrong with our xcproj file. There are likely duplicate references to swift packages or something like that.

Unfortunately, being an early-stage startup, I currently don't really have time to dig deeper into it and recreate our xcproj file.

Install newest xCode14.3 beta 2 . Fixes this issue for me and my team

it is still happening in 14.3.1 and also 15 beta 2. Resolving package graph on slower internet is full of errors about unresolved dependencies. But yes, it works on 1GB fiber optic connection.. :(

This part of package resolving process is clearly not ideal/finished.

Its really annoying

Resolving package graph on every change