Info.plist contained no UIScene configuration dictionary

In a SwiftUI project, I get the following runtime error:

2022-12-15 11:31:37.453318+0100 MyApp[7039:3585656] [SceneConfiguration] Info.plist contained no UIScene configuration dictionary (looking for configuration named "(no name)")

There are no scene in the project:

I have tried to change the settings,

To no avail.

Answered by alexvalter in 740601022

To solve this problem, add Scene Configuration into Application Scene Manifest in Info.plist file. And the mistakes will go away.

Regards Alex Valter

我也遇到了相同的问题,它在今天突然出现,期望能得到帮助 I'm having the same problem, it popped up today, expect help

I filed a bug report: Dec 15, 2022 at 4:52 PM – FB11875810

I am also getting the error even when creating a new app and building/simulating. Glad to know I am not the only one.

This is starting to hurt. I do hope they are on the case. I have much to do.

I also noticed this message today. When constructing a new project the message appeared and the Simulator would not come up. I had noticed earlier in the day that Xcode had apparently just updated. When I restarted my Mac, the Simulator came up and the behavior was as expected, but I did still get the error message.

Can confirm. I have started experiencing this issue upon upgrading to iOS 16.2.

I had the same issue too, restarting actually fixed my issue.

I'm also having this issue and I don't see any way of fixing it. My Info.plist file doesn't have anything empty in it and I get this error three times when I open my app:

[redacted] [SceneConfiguration] Info.plist contained no UIScene configuration dictionary (looking for configuration named "(no name)")

So I already had the Info.plist on my project but if you don't have one you must create one and place it on the root of the project

Then go to the Target -> Build Settings -> Packaging -> Info.plist File and change the value to "target/Info.plist" in my case it's "swarm/Info.plist"

This was still causing the error to appear but adding the following key to the Info.plist fixed it

If you add a new key and start typing and then use the auto complete it should add the child keys as well

You don't really need to add anything to the "Scene Configuration"

This seems to be related to something in iOS 16.2. Try switching to a simulator running iOS 16.0; the error will not be there. Not sure what there is to do about it. In my case, it doesn't seem to impact the usability of the app I am developing.

I was having the same issue, I just force quit Xcode and the Simulator, and now it's working for me.

I have the same problem I am desperate to solve it I have 5 days trying

I'm getting the same error after upgrading to the latest version of Xcode, IOS and MacOs. Not sure which one is causing the issue.

Anyone figure this out yet?


@PedroCavaleiro Is it a SwiftUI project ?

Hello, same issue here, project was running perfectly before the last XCode update.

I am having same issue after xcode update. it was running fine before...

Me too, what just happened?

Same happening here. I get the error: [SceneConfiguration] Info.plist contained no UIScene configuration dictionary (looking for configuration named "(no name)") three times in a row. Using Xcode 14.1 and Ventura. (Haven't updated yet) SwiftUI project using Firebase and with @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor but no code in AppDelegate. However my app still runs fine on device (iPhone and iPad)

someone has solved it?

Accepted Answer

To solve this problem, add Scene Configuration into Application Scene Manifest in Info.plist file. And the mistakes will go away.

Regards Alex Valter


Some additional information.

It may happen that SceneManifest fo not appear in the info.plist file. If so:

  • Open the app Settings in Xcode, fo to the info tab
  • You should find an Application Scene Manifest in the list of keys
  • Tap the + sign on its right
  • Select Scene Manifest

It's done, and Scene manifest should now also appear in info.plist.

Info.plist contained no UIScene configuration dictionary